February is a Great Month to Plan Travel!

I’m not a huge resolution-maker, but I have learned from some extremely smart mentors to sit down each year to reflect on the past and plan for the future. Here are just a couple of suggestions for YOU to think over before another year gets away from us:

1. Historically, the busiest time of the year for travel planning is January and February. 

Because families and friends get together over the holidays and discuss their travel dreams for the upcoming year. Did you? Have you thought about it? I’m here to help you weed through your choices and save you tons of time researching on the internet!

If I haven’t been there myself, I know someone who has, and have direct lines to people who can add value and extra amenities…we are trained to cut through the slick advertising and fake reviews so that your dream vacation doesn’t turn into a nightmare. After all, there is a good reason why the people in those commercials always look so relieved when they walk into a nice hotel room! Don’t leave something so important to chance!

2. It is proven that travel builds and strengthens family bonds like no other experience!

I can tell you first-hand that experiencing a foreign country with your kids is worth more than any class at school. We still laugh about some of the sticky situations and crazy moments that have happened to us along the way…but the most important thing is that my children will remember those stories and, hopefully, share them with their own kids one day. The family that travels together stays together and remember – “You only have 18 Summers” with those kiddos.

Whatever your resolutions, I look forward to spending this year in your inbox each week. I truly appreciate your interest, support and referrals. I am asking a favor of you today…Can you please forward this Ezine to at least one of your friends who you think might enjoy receiving it? If they like what they see, they can go to my website and opt-in! As you know, this is never “sales-y” and I always try to bring you some interesting travel-related content.

Thank you…you are appreciated more than you will ever know! 

Best Wishes for a peaceful and prosperous 2020!!!!

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Hi I'm Lisa, founder of XOOM Tours

And I believe, whole-heartedly, that YOU deserve a travel journey that wows you every step of the way. I’m here to design just that, just for you.


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