7 Things I am Grateful For!

I “get it”!  This was not the Easter or Passover holiday that we are used to.  Families were unable to go to services in their spring finest and, instead, attended virtual religious services online.  The Easter Bunny still found most families with young children, but the baskets were possibly not quite as overflowing, and egg hunts were in your own backyard. Seder dinner tables were set – sometimes for only one or two people.  But you know what?  It’s all perfect.  

We are doing what we need to be doing right now.  And we are fortunate to have that option. It’s easy to get caught up in everything that couldn’t happen, but today I want us to take the opportunity to be grateful for what IS happening all around us.  Grateful for all of those now famous “essential workers” who are out there keeping us safe, healthy and stocked up.

1.) I am grateful for the entire medical community.  Hats off to the doctors, nurses, other health care professionals, custodial staff members who keep hospital rooms clean and disinfected, hospital management teams, IT employees who keep the charting & computers online, EMTs, ambulance drivers, cafeteria workers…. I could go on and on!

2.) I am grateful for the grocery/drug store employees.  And that includes actual store workers AND delivery drivers who keep our stores stocked to the best of their abilities, who often risk their own health to serve us as consumers, and probably put up with more ugly behavior than they should.  Give them grace!  And a cheerful smile and a BIG thank you!

3.) I am grateful for the delivery services.  USPS, UPS, Amazon, Fedex & DHL drivers are working in overtime.  The folks in the warehouses are working tirelessly to ensure that we all receive whatever we have ordered today, whether it be a necessity or a luxury.  And, of course, the Door Dash, GrubHub, PostMates, UberEats, Shipt and Instacart drivers who deliver food to our front door when we get too burned out to make it ourselves – or want to support local restaurants during this crazy time.

4.) Speaking of restaurants, I am grateful that I can still enjoy my favorite restaurant cuisine just by ordering, paying and showing up!  The local restaurant communities are totally showing up for us and we should support them by ordering take out whenever possible.  Even the large chain restaurants employ local people, so don’t completely boycott them!

5.) I am grateful for the local utility workers who pick up my garbage on schedule, keep my internet signal strong so I can work from home and ensure that we are hunkered down in comfortable homes with gas, electricity & cable TV.

6.) I am grateful for all the “helpers” who are shopping for friends who aren’t comfortable leaving their homes, sewing masks, mowing neighbors’ lawns, sending a positive Facebook message, picking up the phone and just generally caring.  If anything good comes of this whole situation, I hope that we will value kindness in our society more.

7.) Finally, I am grateful for YOU!  While we are obviously not able to travel right now, this too shall pass.  And, I’m grateful for this community I have built of travel prospects, clients and friends who all share the dream of exploring the world as soon as it is safe again.  And it will be.  

I’d love to hear what you are grateful for.  When you have a moment, reply to my email.

Your patience, support and flexibility have truly been a blessing during this very trying time in my entrepreneurial journey and I thank you all!  

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