Everyone is facing a temporary “new normal” right now and the biggest issue may be feeling like you have lost control of your life and the freedoms we typically take for granted. That is totally understandable! 

What is important right now is to recognize what you can and can’t control. Let the “Can’ts” go and focus on the “Cans”. I’ve started a list here to get you started…what are some of your own suggestions? Reply to this newsletter with how you are letting go of what you can’t control and moving forward as an inspiration to others…


  • whether or not others follow the rules of social distancing, but I CAN be sure that I, and my immediate family, follow CDC recommendations. The sooner we contain this virus, the sooner “normal” will return.
  • the actions and attitudes of others, but I CAN control my own actions and be sure that they are being tempered with a little extra kindness, generosity and grace.
  • the amount of toilet paper on the grocery store shelves, but I CAN choose to only take what I need and not hoard that or any other important supplies so that others can have access as well.
  • the sensationalism and constant barrage of negative news stories that incite anxiety, but I CAN control what I see by limiting my exposure to updates from a trusted source and filtering out all the chatter. Turn off the TV news!
  • when schools will open again, but I CAN do the best that I can to be sure my kids have some structure, good nutrition, a reasonable schedule, time to play, creative projects and lots of attention & love. Children get anxious too and they look to us for cues.
  • how long this will last, but I CAN choose to be a part of the solution and stay well by socially distancing, hydrating, exercising, eating healthily, resting and finding fun things to do at home. This too shall pass, and you want to be in better shape when it does than even before!
  • not being able to physically hang out with friends, coworkers and family members, but I CAN keep socially networking using video chats, emails, thoughtful social media posts, and telephone calls. Our bodies may be isolated, but our souls need connection, so keep reaching out in more creative ways.
  • the restrictions on travel right now, but I CAN provide you with inspiration so that you keep your dreams alive. The time will come when you can take that trip that you have been wanting to take, and I will be here ready & waiting to help you make it happen!


It's Movie Night

“Stay home and hunker down” are not words that I, as a travel professional AND world traveler, ever thought I would give as advice. However, with the current COVID-19 situation and the need to be responsible, I totally understand that we all must socially distance ourselves and our family to help reduce the impact of this new virus.

But, while I am willingly advising people to not travel under the current circumstances, I feel very strongly that we will all get through this together and the world will once again open its arms to receive curious visitors. So, it is vitally important to keep on DREAMING about your next vacation or adventure.

Titanic Vacation

Since we are staying home and schools, restaurants, gyms, retail stores and more are now closed, I thought it might be fun to recommend some of my favorite travel-themed movies that can easily be found with the many streaming services that are out there. What better way to spend a couple of hours by yourself, with your spouse or with the whole family watching together, dreaming together and getting inspiration for your next trip?

  1. Mamma Mia (2008) & Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again (2018) – based on the wildly successful Broadway musical with a score from ABBA, this story tracks the lovely story of Donna and her daughter Sophie as they both grow and learn from the past
  2. Eat, Pray, Love (2010) – A married woman realizes how unhappy her marriage really is, and that her life needs to go in a different direction. After a painful divorce, she takes off on a round-the-world journey to “find herself” in Italy, India & Bali.
  3. P.S., I Love You (2007) – A young widow discovers that her late husband has left her messages intended to help ease her pain and start a new life. Ireland is the star!
  4. Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) – Based on the book by Frances Mayes, the film is about a recently divorced writer who buys a villa in Tuscany on a whim, hoping it will lead to a change in her life. The beauty of Cortona and the Italian people are featured.
  5. Letters to Juliet (2010) – traveling to Verona, Italy with her busy fiancé, a young American journalist gets involved in an adventure based on a love letter a tourist left at the monument to Romeo & Juliet’s unrequited love.
  6. The Way (2010) – An American father takes the journey on the Camino del Santiago to understand what happened with his son, who died while attempting the journey himself. The beauty of France and Spain is prominently featured.
  7. National Lampoon’s European Vacation (1985) – Just for giggles, follow the Griswold family through their comedic adventures in France, Italy & Germany. Because we all need a laugh right now!
  8. Titanic (1997) – An epic, action-packed romance set against the ill-fated maiden voyage of the R.M.S. Titanic; the pride and joy of the White Star Line and, at the time, the largest moving object ever built.

And especially for the kids (but parents will like these too!):

  1. Brave (Disney) – A great adventure story based in Scotland that also teaches girls that they don’t need that handsome prince to be awesome.
  2. Moana (Disney) – The young daughter of the village chief discovers her calling and purpose by rescuing her Hawaiian island from an angry goddess, with the entertaining help of the demigod Maui.
  3. Ratatouille (Disney) – In Paris, a rat name Remy longs to become a French chef. He befriends a young restaurant worker, Linguini, and “mentors” his human friend in the ways of preparing fine cuisine.
  4. The Sound of Music – Need I say more? The adventures of the Von Trapp family and their nanny, Maria, set in pre-WW II Austria. A classic!
  5. Madeline: Lost in Paris – A young schoolgirl in Paris embarks on many misadventures that cause her fellow students and teachers many headaches. Based on the book series.

So, pop some popcorn and cozy up on the couch and start dreaming! This social distancing thing is looking better already!

When the world calms down and you are ready to turn your new travel dreams into reality, I am here to make it effortless for you…Keep on Traveling!!!

Let’s Focus Forward!

The last few weeks have been a blur as I’ve spent a majority of my time helping my clients rearrange their travel impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. This morning was the first chance I’ve had to catch my breath, reflect, and think about the future.

Everything I think leads me back to two common themes.

The first is that this crisis will pass and as it does, there will be significant opportunities starting this summer to travel. You may see travel opportunities with great value and additional opportunities for more inclusions as everyone in the travel industry competes for your business working hard to get back to normal as soon as possible.

The second is that the travelers that have used a travel advisor for their travel during this crisis are more than thankful as they saw in the most extreme of instances their value in an emergency.

Helping to Navigate Travel Emergencies

I’ll start with the second theme first. One of the reasons for using a travel advisor is emergencies. Global events like COVID-19 are rare, however big weather events have become commonplace, widespread and unpredictable, non-weather events like civil unrest, volcanic eruptions, massive wildfires, and labor strikes are happening more frequently, disrupting travel. When this happens, as your travel advisor, I go to bat for you.

In addition to working one-on-one with my clients on their individual COVID-19 situations, I am blessed to partner with Gifted Travel Network, my host agency that provides support to me and many of my colleagues. Due to the global severity, we’ve been on group forums and video conference calls day and night helping each other to help our clients. We’ve been re-booking our client’s vacations, assisting with Travel Insurance claims, helping clients stranded in-country, working directly, often on hold for hours with the airlines, tour operators, cruise lines, trains, hotels, doing everything we can to work magic. All while calming their fears, helping them with disappointment, navigating the complex and ever-changing rules & penalties.

I am your travel advisor and ADVOCATE – watching out for your best interests. I do it, not only because it’s part of my work, but because I am PASSIONATE about travel and my client’s travel experience.


It may be hard to see the potential for future travel opportunities when all we can see today is clouded in uncertainty. However, history shows us every event, minor and major, comes to pass. And for those like me who believe in the allure of travel, the coming opportunities will be some of the best we’ve seen.

So, if you’ve postponed your plans, or you’re thinking about a future journey, it’s okay to dream.

But the key is to have a plan and the right travel insurance policy so you’re able to take advantage of the opportunities as they come without worries.

Research shows that individuals who plan are more likely to use their time off, take more vacations and report greater levels of happiness and success. And rest assured I will be ready when you are!

So, let’s FOCUS FORWARD together!

I wish you, your family and your friends the best as we move through and beyond COVID-19.

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