⌚ 💼 We Have One Life to Live! ✈ 😎

Santorini, Greece

One thing this pandemic has taught us, is that we have one life to live and that this is not a practice run for the future, this is it!! So, let’s focus on what is truly important to us, and DREAM of where in the world we want to go and what we want to get out of that experience. Are you with me? Are you ready to DREAM?

If there are things you want to do in your life, you should really make them a priority. Instead of waiting for “someday” or “retirement” to experience it, making a concrete plan is smart, and I want to help you with that!

Growing up, “traveling” meant something a whole lot different for most of us than booking a flight and filling up our passport pages. With 5 kids in tow, my parents would often just pack up our Ford Fairmont station wagon and drive us to visit relatives in a neighboring state. That was our version of vacation.

Our Family Trip – Atherton, California 1970

So, instead of hopping on planes, I explored the world by turning the pages of National Geographic Magazine. I poured over fantastic images of faraway places – places I could hardly believe existed. Those magazines inspired not only my love of travel, but my passion for photography. I received my first camera in the 4th grade and have filtered my world through the camera lens ever since.

“A picture paints a thousand words” and connects us to the people, places, feelings and stories that they tell. Just like this picture of me when I was in Thailand and this friendly elephant caught me by surprise and gave me a hearty elephant hug! Or when we ventured to the Andes Mountains to see one of the “Seven Wonders of the World” … Machu Picchu. I have vivid memories of walking along a steep, rocky pathway with beautiful foliage on both sides and then turning a corner and right there before my eyes was the most breathtaking view of Machu Picchu. I was awestruck! It was magical to say the least. What memorable experiences!!

Pictures provide us with the opportunity to DREAM, connecting us to the most magical places and experiences around the world and make us feel inspired just like National Geographic Magazine did for me when I was a young child.

So, let’s take this inspiration to a whole new level. My travel consortia, Virtuoso, has created an exciting way to help you, my clients, DREAM TODAY SO THAT YOU CAN TRAVEL TOMORROW.

Check out this motivating video below!

Wanderlist by Virtuoso is a really neat comprehensive global platform (It’s a really cool app.) that offers a fun, free way to create and share travel wish-lists. It’s fairly simple to use! You can explore destinations and hotels around the world, as well as unique and specialized things to do in those destinations.

Plus, if you’ve ever planned a group adventure for your family or friends, you already know how difficult it can be to please everyone. Wanderlist by Virtuoso was designed to make it easy and seamless (and enjoyable!) to DREAM together.

Here’s a screen shot of my Wanderlistl   I’m Dreaming of visiting Greece.

Are you ready to try it?  Here’s how it works:

  1. CLICK the blue button below for your exclusive invitation link to the “Welcome to Wanderlist” homepage.
  2. CREATE an account – it’s quick and easy!
  3. EXPLORE the world using the interactive map to find places, hotels and experiences that intrigue, inspire, and interest you.
  4. COLLECT & CUSTOMIZE Make it yours. Select and save ideas you discover to your very own travel wish list. You can create lists for any trip you are dreaming of. Whether it’s the time of year you plan to travel, the people you want to go with, or a special milestone celebration, organize your lists for a future of exciting trips.
  5. SHARE and invite your family and friends, and then invite me, your travel advisor, to share in the fun. Everybody can contribute and view each other’s ideas, offering suggestions to inspire the planning process. It’s more fun when you DREAM together! Your wish lists are secure and only seen by those you choose.
  6. PLAN Let’s work together to plan your next epic adventure!

I am hoping this will be a useful first step to encouraging future travel and I will never stop inspiring you.  I also hope it helps you connect with your families, friends and me around your future travel dreams.

We will travel again and creating your own Wanderlist will encourage you to learn, DREAM about and anticipate where you may want to travel when it feels right for you!


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Hi I'm Lisa, founder of XOOM Tours

And I believe, whole-heartedly, that YOU deserve a travel journey that wows you every step of the way. I’m here to design just that, just for you.


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